Once again, here it is! The Annual Girls Night In...

Dala Designs is hosting a free Women’s event on Thursday 22nd April.

The purpose of The Girls Night In is to provide a great opportunity for fantastic women to get to know one another better. Many guests find it a light and easy night of laughter and merriment with like spirited and fabulous women.

This provides a brilliant opportunity for networking and promotion of products and service, as there will be over 50 women from all walks of life.

Every woman who attends on the evening will be given a gift bag filled with special offers.

If you would like to take advantage of this unique offer to promote your product or service you will need to contact me now via email or mobile.

When: Thursday 22nd April 7pm BYO Plate to share.

HATS, An Anthropology by Stephen Jones

'Hats: An Anthology bt Stephen Jones' examines the world of millinery from the inside out, following the life of a hat through the stages of inspiration and creation to the salon and, finally, to the client who gives the hat its ultimate purpose and flourish.
Dala is inviting you to partake in the tour with guide Miranda Wallace.

Followed by High Tea overlooking a tropical scene of lush palms and sparkling torquiose waters of Dalas' very garden delights.

Tour Time: Saturday May 1st, 12 noon.
Venue is at the Queensland Art Galley at Southbank.

Cost is free for the Tour, $15 for High Tea.

CHERCH, A Modern look with spirituality through Gospel singing.

Healing Power of the Modern Arts.

Music can significantly reduce anxiety and depression. It is proven to also reduce heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels.
Due to great demand we are starting gospel singing workshops on Sundays afternoons. Followed will be a short inspirational message to lift your spirit for the rest of the week.

Times: 4-6pm Sundays.
Venue: Dalas' place.

Cold coin donations welcome.

Previous Events

Girls Day Out

Lord Wedgewood

Yes, that's right, the Girls were up to the hoipoloi again at high tea. Organized by Vogue with Lord Wedgewood himself, to celebrate 250 years of the Wedgewood company.
Location was at a magnificent private home high on the hills of Hamilton. A beautiful 180˚ view from the Gateway to Brisbane City.

A Gift bag with lots of goodies and scruptous food was on the menu.

Look for the photo in the MAY/JUNE edition of Vogue Living.

Fashion Parade

Watch Video

Now listen up this is about gratitude, being thankful, for an abundant life and speading the love. The History of Fashion Parade is designed to raise money and awarenesss for your charity.

Watch the video for an insight.
It features original clothes from the 1920's to late 80's. It tells the story of what were the social and economica influences of fashion.
The unfolding history of fashion right before your eyes. It's like a trip in a time machine....